

Grant Writing

We focus on rural clients, but provide "big city" results with more than $7 million in grant funding secured for small organizations. Our staff work based on an hourly rate. Fees for development of proposals for private foundations are less than fees for work on state or federal grant applications. Prior to beginning work, staff will review an RFP and provide the client an estimate based on how long the proposal will take to complete. Clients are given a not-to-exceed price as part of the estimate. 

Grant Funding Research

Have you heard people say, “We can always go after a grant because there is a ton of money out there!” This is mostly true, but a little urban legend as well. Let us explain – if you think there is a lot of money available for operating or construction expenses, sorry to break the news, but there really isn’t. There are some, but those grants are few and far between. However, if you have a specific project or goal in mind that can fill an identified need, then you may be surprised to learn what is available. We can take your information and do an extensive search of funding agencies to provide you a report of what opportunities are available that match your organization’s mission and goals. We take the time to figure out where you should prioritize your grant request efforts. 

Fundraising Strategy

Grant funding should never be an organization's entire development strategy. When you blend it with community fundraising, you can increase your success with both efforts. Our staff can provide strategic direction based upon more than a decade of experience with special event fundraisers, capital campaigns, annual appeals or employee fundraisers. We focus exclusively on rural development efforts and understand raising funds in small towns requires different strategies. 

Other Writing Services

Our staff is able to providing writing assistance for just about anything. A few of our specialties include press release development, web site content, radio commercial scripts, social media posts, content for newsletters and brochures, annual appeal letters, speeches and resume or cover letter revisions. 

Results in 2018

The Right Grants successfully secured $2,096,556 in grant funding for clients in 2018. And guess what? The largest community to benefit from this total had a population of just over 10,000. Small towns ARE capable of big grants! It just takes the right project, with the right writer, finding the right source.